Blog Hotel Palmanova
Aparthotel Cas Saboners is your wheelchair friendly beach hotel in Mallorca, Ca's Saboners Beach Aparthotel
Aparthotel Cas Saboners is your wheelchair friendly beach hotel in Mallorca

At Aparthotel Cas Saboners we have one clear aim: to make you spend the best holidays of your life in Mallorca. And one thing that is very important to us is not to leave out anyone when it comes down to enjoying a holiday by the beach. That is why for quite some time we have been catalogued as a ‘wheelchair and disabled friendly hotel’ in Palmanova. We are constantly looking for new ways to improve our ‘wheelchair friendly hotel in Mallorca’ status and will continue to work on it during this and upcoming seasons.
But, what can you expect to find at Cas Saboners that gives us this important status? Here’s the services we provide that will come in helpful if you are staying with us:
- wheel in shower
- wheelchair ramps all over the hotel
- grab rails
- ground floor facilities
- wheelchair Access
- hoists available
- level flat drive
Regarding all our rooms and apartments, everything you need to reach is accessible to grab, which means you can access wardrobes, kitchen tableware and countertop perfectly.
In addition to providing these service, all our staff will also be very happy to help out on any other inconvenient you may find at our aparthotel in Palmanova, because the only thing that matters to every team member at Cas Saboners is to fulfil our guests needs to have you coming back year after year.
With these special services for disabled we can proudly say we are prepared and well-equipped to provide a lovely holiday for you, but because of our constant evolving strategy, we would be more than happy to hear about further services we could be offering to make it a 100% enjoyable holiday for you!